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Vocabulary exercise

November 11th, 2013 in English Quiz

Each sentence given below contains an underlined word or phrase. From the given options select the one that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word or phrase.

1. This anthology was written by an obscure poet.

a) famous

b) old

c) respectable

d) rich

2. I have carefully studied your explanation and it does sound plausible.

a) incoherent

b) unconvincing

c) undesirable

d) impertinent

3. I would like to know why you are looking so morose.

a) healthy

b) gloomy

c) haggard

d) cheerful

4. They heaped encomiums on her.

a) praises

b) excuses

c) excesses

d) blames

5. The novel deals with decadent feudalism.

a) prevalent

b) useless

c) diminishing

d) declining

6. The report makes oblique references to his shady past.

a) oblivious

b) critical

c) direct

d) overt

7. Only a pragmatic approach will solve these problems.

a) practical

b) theoretical

c) diplomatic

d) idealistic

8. The boy was found sleeping on the dank floor.

a) wet

b) dry

c) dirty

d) rough

9. The pleasures of life are transient.

a) brief

b) eternal

c) occasional

d) periodical

10. He was a valiant young man.

a) cowardly

b) ambitious

c) kind

d) clever


1. famous (Obscure means ‘not well known’)

2. unconvincing (Plausible means ‘seeming to be right or reasonable’)

3. cheerful (Morose means ‘sullen or ill-tempered’)

4. blames (Encomiums means ‘praises’)

5. prevalent (Decadent means ‘becoming less worthy or important’)

6. direct (Oblique means indirect)

7. theoretical (Pragmatic means ‘practical’)

8. dry (Dank means ‘damp’ or ‘wet’)

9. eternal (Transient means ‘brief’)

10. cowardly (Valiant means ‘brave’)