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Modal auxiliary verbs exercise

December 30th, 2014 in English Quiz

Use appropriate modal auxiliary verbs in the blanks to express the idea indicated in the brackets.

1. We ……………….. visit our friend in the hospital tomorrow. (futurity)

2. I ……………….. do this job myself. (ability)

3. It …………………. rain tonight. (possibility)

4. The exams …………….. be postponed. (remote possibility)

5. …………….. I get you a gift for your birthday? (offer)

6. We ……………. be truthful. (compulsion)

7. You ……………. give them a costly gift. (absence of obligation or necessity)

8. When I was younger, I ………………….. run four miles in 20 minutes. (past ability)

9. My grandmother ……………. tell me many stories. (a habitual activity in the past)

10. We ……………… walk around the hill every day. (a practice in the past)


1. We will visit our friend in the hospital tomorrow.

2. I can do this job myself.

3. It may rain tonight.

4. The exams might be postponed.

5. Should I get you a gift for your birthday?

6. We must be truthful.

7. You need not give them a costly gift.

8. When I was younger, I could run four miles in 20 minutes.

9. My grandmother would tell me many stories.

10. We would walk around the hill every day.