Archive for the ‘English Quiz’ Category

Articles exercise

January 28th, 2015 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using appropriate articles. In some cases, no articles are needed.

1. It is ………………….. useful thing.

2. Saturn is ……………………. second largest planet in our solar system.

3. Manu is ………………….. engineer.

4. …………………….. Mr. Sajan came here to see you.

5. What ……………………… beautiful flower it is!

6. Raju is ………………….. brightest student in the class.

7. …………………… lion is the king of animals.

8. I gave him …………………… one rupee coin.

9. Put …………………… books on ………………. table.

10. …………………..  ammeter is ……………………. instrument for measuring …………………….. strength of electric current.

11. There is ………………….. spider on …………….. roof.

12. What happened to ………………… hundred dollars I lent you?


1. It is a useful thing.

2. Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system.

3. Manu is an engineer.

4. Mr. Sajan came here to see you. (Articles cannot be used with proper nouns.)

5. What a beautiful flower it is!

6. Raju is the brightest student in the class.

7. The lion is the king of animals.

8. I gave him a one rupee coin.

9. Put the books on the table.

10. An ammeter is an instrument for measuring the strength of electric current.

11. There is a spider on the roof.

12. What happened to the hundred dollars I lent you?