Archive for the ‘English Quiz’ Category

Articles exercise

April 19th, 2015 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using appropriate articles.

1. Yesterday I watched ………………….. interesting film.

2. I saw …………………… cute little girl in the store.

3. Ceylon is …………………… island in ………………… Indian Ocean.

4. I saw ……………………….. airplane flying low, just above …………………. trees.

5. He was ……………………. only child of ………………… rich merchant.

6. …………………… telephone is …………………. useful invention.

7. We expect …………………… official enquiry into …………………… accident.

8. ………………… man who died in ……………………… morning was …………………. heart patient.

9. I have lost ……………………. book that you gave me yesterday.

10. I saw …………………… old man. He was carrying ………………….. umbrella.


1. Yesterday I watched an interesting film.

2. I saw a cute little girl in the store.

3. Ceylon is an island in the Indian Ocean.

4. I saw an airplane flying low, just above the trees.

5. He was the only child of a rich merchant.

6. The telephone is a useful invention.

7. We expect an official inquiry into the accident.

8. The man who died in the morning was a heart patient.

9. I have lost the book that you gave me yesterday.

10. I saw an old man. He was carrying an umbrella.