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One words

May 2nd, 2015 in English Quiz

Each question is followed by five suggested answers. Choose the one that describes the given phrase appropriately.

1. Student of religion

a) Ascetic
b) Theologian
c) Atheist
d) Iconoclast
e) Dilettante

2. A word used to refer to a person who is able to walk after being bedridden for a long time.

a) Ambulatory
b) Somniferous
c) Avuncular
d) Somnolent
e) Dorsal

3. Word for word

a) Volubility
b) Verbatim
c) Magnate
d) Laconism
e) Verbiage

4. A speech to oneself

a) Loquacity
b) Soliloquy
c) Circumlocution
d) Colloquialism
e) Reticence


1. Theologian

An ascetic is a person not interested in the pleasures of the world. A theologian studies religions. An atheist does not believe in God. An iconoclast is a person who scoffs at tradition. A dilettante is a person who pursues an art or profession as a hobby. A dilettante has no serious interest in arts.

2. Ambulatory

Ambulatory means able to walk after being bedridden. If something is somniferous, it induces sleep. Avuncular means protective; like an uncle. Somnolent means drowsy. Dorsal is a word used to refer to the back side.

3. Verbatim

Volubility means fluency and ease in speech. Verbatim means word for word. A magnate is an important person in the business world. Laconism is the quality of conciseness in the use of words. Verbiage is the overabundance of words.

4. Soliloquy

Loquacity means talkativeness. Soliloquy is a speech to oneself, especially in a play. Circumlocution is the method of talking in an indirect way. Colloquialism is an informal expression used in everyday speech. Reticence is the reluctance to express one’s thoughts or feelings