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Present perfect continuous tense exercise

June 21st, 2015 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using verb forms in the present perfect continuous tense.

1. I ——————– (wait) for the guests since morning.

2. He ——————– (suffer) from fever for two days.

3. It ——————– (rain) heavily since the last night.

4. My father ———————- (serve) in the army for fifteen years.

5. He ———————— (attend) school since last Monday.

6. I ———————– (study) in this school since 2009.

7. The masons ———————— (build) the house since March.

8. Man ———————– (struggle) against forces of nature since times immemorial.

9. We ——————— (prepare) for the examination for three months.

10. A cold breeze ——————— (blow) since evening.


1. I have been waiting for the guests since morning.

2. He has been suffering from fever for two days.

3. It has been raining heavily since the last night.

4. My father has been serving in the army for fifteen years.

5. He has not been attending school since last Monday.

6. I have been studying in this school since 2009.

7. The masons have been building the house since March.

8. Man has been struggling against forces of nature since times immemorial.

9. We have been preparing for the examination for three months.

10. A cold breeze has been blowing since evening.