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Prepositions after verbs

November 5th, 2015 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition.

1. The train arrived ………………… 6 o’clock. (at / in / on)

2. Everybody was listening …………………. the news. (to / at / for)

3. The boys laughed ……………….. the beggar. (at / on / with)

4. We haven’t decided ……………… a course of action. (to / on / for)

5. What are you talking ………………….? (about / to / with)

6. Who is he speaking ……………….? (to / on / at)

7. I talked ……………….. him yesterday. (with / to)

8. He could not cope ………………… the pressure to perform. (with / about / for)

9. I fear ………………. his safety. (for / about / to / from)

10. This report focuses …………………… the problems plaguing the society. (about / on / for / from)


1. The train arrived at 6 o’clock.

2. Everybody was listening to the news.

3. The boys laughed at the beggar.

4. We haven’t decided on a course of action.

5. What are you talking about?

6. Who is he speaking to?

7. I talked with / to him yesterday.

8. He could not cope with the pressure to perform.

9. I fear for his safety.

10. This report focuses on the problems plaguing the society.