Archive for the ‘Punctuation’ Category

Punctuation exercise

September 22nd, 2015 in Punctuation

Punctuate the following sentences.

1. He did not however gain his object.

2. I would rather die he exclaimed than join the enemies of my country

3. Friends relatives companions all deserted him

4. When I was a bachelor I lived by myself

5. Today we love what tomorrow we hate today we seek what tomorrow we shun today we desire what tomorrow we fear

6. He was a Brahmin and she a Rajput

7. His behavior to say the least was rude

8. What have you been doing there

9. Alas we have lost

10. During my stay in Sri Lanka I visited Mihintale which is regarded as the cradle of Buddhism


1. He did not, however, gain his object.

2. “I would rather die,” he exclaimed, “than join the enemies of my country.”

3. Friends, relatives, companions – all deserted him.

4. When I was a bachelor, I lived by myself.

5. Today we love what tomorrow we hate; today we seek what tomorrow we shun; today we desire what tomorrow we fear.

6. He was a Brahmin and she, a Rajput.

7. His behavior, to say the least, was rude.

8. What have you been doing there?

9. Alas! We have lost.

10. During my stay in Sri Lanka I visited Mihintale, which is regarded as the cradle of Buddhism.