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Transformation of sentences

September 22nd, 2013 in English Learning

The same idea can be expressed in many different ways.

Study the examples given below.

  • Can anybody bear such an insult?
  • Nobody can bear such an insult.

The first sentence is a question; the second sentence is a statement. Both sentences express nearly the same idea.

Negative yes/no questions often suggest a positive situation. Now another example is given below.

  • Isn’t health more precious than wealth?
  • Health is more precious than wealth.

Study the sentences given in the following table. In Column A you can find interrogative sentences. In Column B assertive sentences with similar meanings are given.

Column A Column B
Didn’t they enjoy themselves at the party? They enjoyed themselves at the party.
Will we ever forget these good days? We will never forget these good days.
Can’t we work harder? We can work harder.
Isn’t John taller than his brother? John is taller than his brother.
Haven’t I done enough for you? I have done enough for you.

Transformation of an exclamatory sentence into an affirmative sentence

An exclamatory sentence can be converted into an affirmative sentence. In the same way, an affirmative sentence can be converted into an exclamatory sentence. Study the examples given below.

What a beautiful sight it was! (Exclamatory)

It was a very beautiful sight. (Affirmative)

Oh, were I a princess! (Exclamatory)

I wish I were a princess. (Assertive)

What a cold night it is!

It is a very cold night.

What a lovely smile your sister has!

Your sister has a very lovely smile.

Changing an imperative sentence into an interrogative sentence

An imperative sentence can be changed into an interrogative sentence. Examples are given below.

Please open the door. (Imperative)

Will you open the door, please? (Interrogative)

Please have something to drink. (Imperative)

Will you have something to drink, please? (Interrogative)

Please keep quiet. (Imperative)

Will you please keep quiet? (Interrogative)