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Using off

July 10th, 2014 in English Learning

The word off can be used as an adverb and a preposition.

Off as an adverb

As an adverb, off modifies the verb.

Study the examples given below.

  • He drove off.
  • His village is a long way off.

As a preposition

When off is used as a preposition, it is followed by a noun which acts as its object.

  • We will get off the train at the next station.

Off can also be used as an adjective. When food items go off, they become unfit for consumption.

  • I think the meat has gone off.

When you have an off day, you don’t have to go to work.

Expressions using the word off

Set off

To set off is to leave a place.

  • With only $50 in his pocket, he set off on his journey.

Be off

To be off is to go away.

  • He told me to be off.

Be off to

When you are off to some place, you are going there.

  • I am off to Mexico next Friday.

To get off a plane, train or bus is to leave it.

  • As the driver didn’t stop the bus, we couldn’t get off.

When you are off something, you are not on the surface of it after being on it for some time.

  • Please get the cat off the piano.
  • The wind blew the cap off his head.

To keep off or stay off something is to stay away from it.

  • Keep off the grass.

Off can also mean ‘close to something’.

  • The bookstall is off the main road. (= It is near the main road, but it is not on it.)