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Infinitives exercise

February 2nd, 2015 in English Learning

To-infinitives as adjectives

Read the following sentences:

It is time to start.
That was a sight to see.

Here the infinitives to start and to see modify the nouns time and sight. Since these words are used to modify nouns, they act like adjectives.

To-infinitives as adverbs

Read the following sentences:

The boys are anxious to leave.
Automation has come to stay.
She is willing to work.

Here the infinitives to leave, to stay and to work are used to modify verbs (come, willing) and adjectives (anxious). This is the adverbial function of the to-infinitive.

Infinitives Exercise

Each sentence given below contains one or more mistakes. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. Did he dare insult you like that?

2. I bade him to go away.

3. It makes my blood boil.

4. We shall try to help to raise funds for the club.

5. Better to wait until you hear from him.


1. Did he dare to insult you like that? (Here dare is used as the principal verb. The principal verb dare is followed by a to-infinitive.)

2. I bade him go away.

3. It makes my blood boil.

4. We shall try to help raise funds for the club.

5. Better wait until you hear from him.