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Conversion of a simple sentence into a complex sentence

April 16th, 2013 in English Learning

Convert the following simple sentences into complex sentences, each containing a noun clause.

A noun clause serves as the subject or object of the verb in the main clause. Noun clauses are usually introduced by the subordinating conjunction that. They can also be introduced by other conjunctions like why, if, how etc.

1. The government confessed its inability to handle the situation.

2. He requested my help.

3. Let us hope for better times.

4. The news of his safe return made us happy.

5. He is said to be a man of charming personality.

6. He seems to be a good boy.

7. He showed me how to do it.

8. Tell me the reason for your unhappiness.

9. A healthy person needs no doctor.

10. The cause of her death is not known.


1. The government confessed that it is incapable of handling the situation. (Here the noun clause acts as the object of the verb confessed.)

2. He requested that I should help him. (Here the noun clause acts as the object of the verb requested.)

3. Let’s hope that better times will come.

4. The news that he has returned safely made us happy. (Here the noun clause is in apposition to the noun the news.)

5. It is said that he is a man of charming personality.

6. It seems that he is a good boy.

7. He showed me how I should do it.

8. Tell me why you are unhappy.

9. A person who is healthy needs no doctor.

10. The reason why she died is not known.