Posts Tagged ‘complex sentence’

Conversion of a complex sentence into a compound sentence

May 8th, 2012 in Improve English

A complex sentence contains one main clause and at least one subordinate clause. A compound sentence contains at least two main clauses and no subordinate clauses.

We can convert a complex sentence into a compound sentence by changing the subordinate clause or clauses into main clauses.

Note that subordinate clauses are introduced by conjunctions like because, as, if, when, where, since and though. The conjunctions commonly used in compound sentences are: and, or, but, yet and for.

Change the following complex sentences into compound sentences.

1. Walk carefully lest you should fall.

2. Although she is rich, she is not happy.

3. As soon as we heard the gunshot, we rushed to the spot.

4. If you are honest, you need not fear anybody.

5. I called for John who came at once.

6. Though he is brave, he is careless.

7. You will pass if you work hard.

8. He could not catch the train because he was late.

9. If you cannot obey me you have to quit.


1. Walk carefully or you will fall.

2. She is rich but she is not happy.

3. We heard the gunshot and rushed to the spot.

4. Be honest and fear nobody.

5. I called for John and he came at once.

6. He is brave but careless.

7. Word hard and you will pass.

8. He was late and could not catch the train.

9. Obey me or quit.