Kinds of nouns exercise

Say whether the italicized nouns are common, proper, collective or abstract.

1. Honesty is the best policy.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract

2. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract

3. A committee of five was appointed.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract

4. James is a bright student.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract

5. Wisdom is better than riches.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract

6. I didn’t believe the girl’s story.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract

7. A teacher must have patience.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract

8. Cleanliness is next to godliness.

a) Common
b) Collective
c) Proper
d) Abstract

9. My sister is a doctor.

a) Collective
b) Common
c) Proper
d) Abstract

10. My family lives in that house.

a) Common
b) Proper
c) Collective
d) Abstract


1. Honesty – abstract
2. Solomon – proper
3. Committee – collective
4. Student – common
5. Riches – abstract
6. Girl – common
7. Teacher – common
8. Cleanliness – abstract
9. Sister – common
10. Family – collective