Some, somebody, any, anybody, nobody etc.

January 30th, 2017 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using some, any, somebody, anybody, nobody or no.


The pronouns some, someone and somebody are used in affirmative sentences.

The pronouns any, anyone and anybody are used in negative sentences and questions.

Sometimes ‘some’ is also used in questions when you expect the answer ‘yes’.

1. I waited till 11 o’clock, but ……………… came.

2. There is ………………….. at the door.

3. Is there ………………. milk left?

4. I want ………………. bloating paper.

5. Did ………………… come?

6. Have you got ………………. interest in politics?

7. There is hardly ……………….. wheat left.

8. You never give me ……………….. help.

9. We got there without ………………. difficulty.

10. I hope he marries …………………….. nice.

11. She does not have ………………… friends.


1. I waited till 11 o’clock, but nobody came.

2. There is somebody at the door.

3. Is there any milk left?

4. I want some bloating paper.

5. Did anybody come?

6. Have you got any interest in politics?

7. There is hardly any wheat left.

8. You never give me any help.

9. We got there without any difficulty.

10. I hope he marries somebody nice.

11. She does not have any friends.