Gap Fills

December 20th, 2017 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.

1. The planning committee’s deliberations went on all night, but still they failed to reach a …………………….

1. consensus
2. discussion
3. plan
4. approval

Answer: consensus

2. As he entered, he couldn’t miss the ………………………. tension in the room.

1. intangible
2. palpable
3. physical
4. certain

Answer: palpable

3. She said that she would like to ………………………. her car for the latest model.

1. trade in
2. trade of
3. trade out
4. trade

Answer: trade in

4. She …………………….. herself on her older sister.

1. acted
2. modeled
3. copied
4. emulated

Answer: modeled

5. He ………………………. scorn and odium for his actions.

1. incurred
2. involved
3. experienced
4. None of those

Answer: incurred

6. I think it’s rather ……………………….. that they haven’t replied to your letter.

1. helpful
2. suitable
3. ominous
4. promising

Answer: ominous

8. The ……………………….. is on her to make the first move.

1. onus
2. decision
3. right
4. brunt

Answer: onus

9. The speaker ………………………. the audience with his dramatic tale.

1. mesmerized
2. caught
3. influenced
4. attracted

Answer: mesmerized

10. He ……………………….. some recently published statistics to prove his point.

1. referred
2. alluded
3. quoted
4. told

Answer: quoted