Confusing Words Exercise

August 5th, 2019 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks.

1. Don’t …………………….. your confidence by trusting that irresponsible man. (misplace / displace)

2. I was ………………………. by her pious appearance. (mislead / misled)

3.The missile hit ……………………….. on the target. (right / rightly)

4. The mission to blow up the bridge was ………………………… (foiled / failed)

5. The poor kid has one …………………………… after another. (misadventure / adventure)

6. His unhappy childhood fostered his …………………………….. personality. (misanthropic / unsociable)

7. She spends hours admiring …………………………. in the mirror. (her / herself)

8. The thrift shop is …………………………. with miscellaneous goods. (filled / fulfilled)

9. Her ………………………….. was an embarrassment to her family. (misbehavior / disbehavior)

10. He has a lot of ………………………… in him. (mischief / mischievous)


1. Don’t misplace your confidence by trusting that irresponsible man.

2. I was misled by her pious appearance.

3. The missile hit right on the target.

4. The mission to blow up the bridge was foiled.

5. The poor kid has one misadventure after another.

6. His unhappy childhood fostered his misanthropic personality.

7. She spends hours admiring herself in the mirror.

8. The thrift shop is filled with miscellaneous goods.

9. Her misbehavior was an embarrassment to her family.

10. He has a lot of mischief in him.