Some Grammar Terms

October 22nd, 2019 in Expressions


A word which comes after the word or phrase it modifies.

In the following examples, the bracketed items are post modifiers:

  • people (invited)
  •  too hot (to eat)
  •  warm (enough)
  •  persons (unknown)
  •  a better woman (than I am).

A premodifier is a word that comes before the noun it modifies. In the following examples, the bracketed items are premodifiers:

  • (very) interesting
  •  (nearly) finished
  •  an (invited) audience


Adjectives placed after a verb like be, seem, look are in predicative position.

  • This shirt is red.
  • She looks happy.
  • I am worried.


An affix which precedes the material it is added to.

Examples include the re- of rewrite and the un- of unpleasant.


An affix which follows the material it is attached to.

Examples include the –ness of happiness, the –ly of slowly and the –th of warmth.

Proper noun

A kind of noun which is a name denoting a particular person, place or thing.

In English, proper nouns are written with initial capital letters, and most of them do not take articles.

Examples are: Alice, John, India, Egypt etc.

But proper nouns denoting historical events and periods, as well as certain others, often do take the article.

Examples are: The French Revolution, The Stone Age, The Nile, The United States etc.


That form of an adjective or an adverb expressing the highest degree.

For tall, the superlative is tallest; for good, it is best; for beautiful, it is most beautiful; for carefully, it is most carefully.