Parts of Speech Exercise

February 16th, 2010 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with words of the appropriate part of speech.

1.    She is ————— beautiful.

a)    ravishing
b)    ravishingly
c)    ravished
d)    ravish

2.    I was ——————– surprised.

a)    Pleased
b)    Pleasant
c)    Pleasantly
d)    Please

3.    It was John who —————— the window.

a)    Break
b)    Broke
c)    Broken
d)    Breaking

4.    She was quite ———————- to receive the prize.

a)    Happily
b)    Happy
c)    Happiness
d)    None of these

5.    It is only a ——————— arrangement.

a)    Temporary
b)    Temporarily
c)    Temporal
d)    Temperate

6.    It was ——————– heavily.

a)    Snowed
b)    Snowing
c)    Snow
d)    None of these

7.    They are eagerly —————— for your response.

a)    awaiting
b)    await
c)    awaited
d)    none of these

8.    The rioters were ——————- into custody.

a)    Took
b)    Taking
c)    Taken
d)    Take

9.    The ——————— intervention of the policeman saved his life.

a)    Timed
b)    Timely
c)    Time
d)    Timeliness

10.    The meeting —————– for three hours.

a)    Last
b)    Lasted
c)    Lastly
d)    None of these


1.    Ravishingly (We use adverbs to modify an adjective. Beautiful is an adjective and ravishingly is an adverb.)
2.    Pleasantly (The adverb pleasantly modifies the adjective surprised.)
3.    Broke (When the main clause is in the past tense, the subordinate clause will also be in the past tense.)
4.    Happy
5.    Temporary (The adjective temporary modifies the noun arrangement.)
6.    Snowing
7.    Awaiting
8.    Taken
9.    Timely (Timely is an adjective and it modifies the noun intervention)
10.    lasted