Connecting words exercise

March 6th, 2011 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences by supplying suitable connecting words.

1.       …………………….. his mother died, he was very young.

2.       Other planets have moons …………………… ours is very large compared to the earth.

3.       I will see you tomorrow …………………… we will discuss the matter again.

4.       Passengers are warned ………………….. it is dangerous to lean out of the window …………………. the train is in motion.

5.       I have not been well …………………….. last week.

6.       ………………… he has a car, he often goes to office on foot.

7.       A man ……………….. constantly loses his temper can be quite a nuisance.

8.       I have a little shadow ………………….. moves with me.

9.       He …………………. never made a foe makes no friend.

10.   Childhood is the period of life ………………… the seeds of character are sown.

11.   ……………….. we approached the house, we heard the sound of music.

12.   There we met a boy ……………………. had lost his way.


1.       When

2.       but

3.       when

4.       that, when

5.       since

6.       Though

7.       who

8.       that

9.       who

10.   when

11.   As

12.   who