Verbs that are easily confused

March 31st, 2011 in Improve English

Infinitive / simple past / past participle

Fall / fell / fallen

Feel / felt / felt

Fill / filled / filled

Find / found / found

Found / founded / founded

Flow / flowed / flowed

Fly / flew / flown

Lay / laid / laid

Lie / lay / lain

Lie / lied / lied

Leave / left /left

Live / lived / lived

Raise / raised / raised

Rise / rose / risen

Strike / struck / struck

Stroke / stroked / stroked

Wind / wound / wound

Wound / wounded / wounded


Find = get back something lost.

I have found my keys.

Found = start up an organization or institution

Who founded the Red Cross?

Flow = move (of a liquid)

Liquids flow.

Fly = move in the air

Birds fly in the sky.

Lay = put down flat

She laid the books on the table.

Lie = be down

Lie = say things that are not true

Raise = put up

She raised her hand.

Rise = go / get up

He rose from his seat.

Strike = hit

Strike the iron while it is hot.

Stroke = pass the hand gently over

Wind = turn, tighten a spring etc.

Wound = injure in a battle

He was wounded in the battle.