Confusing Words Quiz

April 14th, 2011 in Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option given below each question.

1.       I don’t like his style of writing because it is too ……………………

a)      verbose

b)      verbal

2.       He gave a …………………… analysis of the situation facing the country.

a)      masterly

b)      masterful

3.       It was his ………………… nature that made him popular among his friends.

a)      ingenuous

b)      ingenious

4.       At this …………………… I am unable to give a more satisfactory explanation.

a)      junction

b)      juncture

5.       He proved his …………………… by facing the situation with tact and confidence.

a)      metal

b)      mettle

6.       We entered the church in a …………………….mood.

a)      reverend

b)      reverent

7.       Everyone should have a basic understanding of the ………………… of economics.

a)      principals

b)      principles

8.       The museum has some remarkable relics of …………………… sculpture.

a)      ancient

b)      antique

9.       The bill, passed by the parliament, has to obtain royal ……………………. before it can become law.

a)      ascent

b)      assent

10.   We must try to arrive at an ………………….. settlement of the dispute.

a)      amiable

b)      amicable


1. a)      verbose

2. a)      masterly

3. a)      ingenuous

4. b)      juncture

5. b)      mettle

6. b)      reverent

7. b)      principles

8. b)      antique

9. b)      assent

10. b)      amicable