Correct the mistakes

April 20th, 2011 in Improve English

Correct the following sentences.

1.       I am very much sorry.

2.       He was very kind enough to invite us.

3.       Can you tell me the story in details?

4.       Airplanes reach America soon.

5.       Before long there was no one there.

6.       This story is too interesting.

7.       He behaved cowardly.

8.       He plays good than me.

9.       Hardly I have had any rest since morning.

10.   Never I have seen such a sight.



1.       I am very sorry. (Very is used without much before adjectives and adverbs.)

2.       He was kind enough to invite us. OR He was so kind as to invite us.

3.       Can you tell me the story in detail?

4.       Airplanes reach America quickly.

5.       Long ago there was no one there.

6.       This story is very interesting. (Too has a negative meaning. It should not be used to convey positive ideas.)

7.       He behaved in a cowardly manner. (Cowardly is an adjective. To modify verbs we use adverbs.)

8.       He plays better than me. (Than should be preceded by an adjective in the comparative degree.)

9.       Hardly have I had any rest since morning. (Sentences beginning with a negative word have an inverted word order. That means the verb comes before the subject.)

10.   Never have I seen such a sight. (Explanation same as above)