Modal auxiliary verbs exercise # 3

April 23rd, 2011 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliary verbs. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets.

1.       When I was young, I …………………… run four miles at a stretch. (could / can / might)

2.       Why …………………… you not attend the meeting yesterday. (could / can / will)

3.       The doctor said he …………………… operate on the patient. (will / would / shall)

4.       Behave towards others as you …………………… like them to behave towards you. (would / will / could)

5.       If I were a king, I …………………… make you my queen. (will / can /would)

6.       You ………………….. take one of those books if you like. (can / must / should)

7.       I …………………… rather read a book than watch that ridiculous movie. (would / should / must)

8.       If I ………………….. interrupt you for a moment, Sir, how is this new scheme going to improve the situation? (would / should / might)

9.       Farmers use fertilizers so that they ……………….. have a rich harvest. (may / should / would)

10.   She says she ………………….. have her own way in the matter. (can /must / might)


1.       could, 2. could, 3. would, 4. would, 5. would, 6. can, 7. would, 8. might, 9. may, 10. must