Articles exercise

April 28th, 2011 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.

1.       He asked me to go to ……………….. post office. (a / an/ the)

2.       He ate ………………….. whole pudding. (a / an / the)

3.       I should buy ………………….. pair of stockings and ……………….. couple of shirts. (a / an / the)

4.       ……………………. cobra never bites unless it is disturbed. (a / an / the)

5.       This man is …………………….. Newton of our times. (a / an / the)

6.       …………………. British conquered …………………. country. (a /an / the)

7.       The Americans helped ………………….. French in the Great War. (a / an / the)

8.       …………………… banyan is ………………… kind of fig tree. (a / an / the)

9.       There is …………………….. bridge over …………………… Ganges at Benares. (a / an / the)

10.   That cat of yours has drank all …………………… milk. (a / an / the)

11.   How small …………………….. needle do you want? (a / an / the)

12.   Many ………………….. flower is born to blush unseen. (a / an / the)



1.       the

2.       the

3.       a, a

4.       The

5.       the

6.       The, the

7.       the

8.       The, a

9.       a, the

10.   the

11.   a

12.   a