Prepositions quiz

April 30th, 2011 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets.

1.       I hate the idea …………………. getting old. (of / on / with)

2.       A strimmer is a machine used ………………….. cutting grass and weeds. (for / to / with)

3.       I need a swatter …………………… killing the mosquitoes. (for / by / with)

4.       I am proud………………….. have won. (of / to / for)

5.       She is very good ………………….. solving problems. (at / in / to)

6.       I am tired ……………………. listening to this. (with / of / at)

7.       We have a good chance …………………. make a profit. (of / to / in)

8.       Try to stop them …………………… finding out. (from / on / in)

9.       I wasn’t very pleased ………………….. my exam results. (about / for / of)

10.   Nobody knows the reason …………………… the accident. (for / to / with)

11.   He tripped ………………….. the cat and fell downstairs. (over / on / at)

12.   When did your interest ………………… philosophy begin. (in / for / with)



1.       of

2.       for

3.       for

4.       to

5.       at

6.       of

7.       to

8.       from

9.       about

10.   for

11.   over

12.   in