Sentence Correction

May 26th, 2011 in Improve English

Rewrite these sentences, changing the form of the italicized verb, which is incorrect.

1. The tennis matches will started tomorrow.

2. Paul rushing wildly into the room.

3. We all sung a song.

4. She has wrote a novel.

5. I have been waited here since morning.

6. James drunk all the beer.

7. The explosion sunk the ship.

8. We all swum in the sea yesterday.

9. She was beat in the semifinal.

10. She still can’t brought herself to think about the tragedy.

11. The wind sprung up suddenly.

12. The crocodile swum closer and grabbed the bait.


1. The tennis matches will start tomorrow.

2. Paul rushed wildly into the room.

3. We all sang a song.

4. She has written a novel.

5. I have been waiting here since morning.

6. James drank all the beer.

7. The explosion sank the ship.

8. We all swam in the sea yesterday.

9. She was beaten in the semifinal.

10. She still can’t bring herself to think about that tragedy.

11. The wind sprang up suddenly.

12. The crocodile swam closer and grabbed the bait.