Phrasal verbs exercise

June 30th, 2011 in Vocabulary

Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs.

1. James ………………………….. on the final lap.

a) Pulled ahead
b) Pulled on
c) Pulled out
d) Pulled in

2. The boys fought until their mother …………………. them ……………………..

a) Pulled apart
b) Pulled on
c) Pulled ahead
d) Pulled in

3. It ……………………… me ………………………… to see him treat his wife like that.

a) Pulls apart
b) Pulls on
c) Pulls ahead
d) Pulls in

4. The boy kept ………………………….. his mother’s sleeve, wanting to leave.

a) Pulling at
b) Pulling on
c) Pulling ahead
d) Pulling in

5. I couldn’t get into the bus before it ………………………..

a) Pulled out
b) Pulled away
c) Pulled in
d) Pulled at

6. Most of the old buildings were ……………………… to make room for the new shopping mall.

a) Pulled off
b) Pulled down
c) Pulled ahead
d) Pulled at

7. Slowly, the train …………………………. on platform 4.

a) Pulled in
b) Pulled on
c) Pulled off
d) Pulled ahead

8. Let’s stop at a ……………………….. on the way and grab a bite.

a) Pull on
b) Pull off
c) Pull out
d) Pull for


1. Pulled ahead
2. Pulled apart
3. Pulls apart
4. Pulling at
5. Pulled away
6. Pulled down
7. Pulled in
8. Pull-in