Position of adverbs of frequency

August 18th, 2011 in English Grammar

Adverbs of indefinite frequency say how often something happens.

Examples are: always, ever, usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never etc

Adverbs of indefinite frequency usually go in mid-position.

Auxiliary verb + adverb + other verb

He has always wanted to be famous. (NOT He has wanted always to be famous.) (NOT He always has wanted to be famous.)

Adverb + other verb

We usually go there in summer. (NOT We go usually there in summer.)

Is / am / are / was / were + adverb

She is seldom late for work.

You are always bad-tempered.

When there are two auxiliary verbs, the frequency adverbs usually go after the first.

We have never been invited to one of their parties.

Some adverbs of indefinite frequency can go at the beginning or end of a clause. Examples are: usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes and occasionally.

Usually I get up early.

The adverbs always, ever, rarely, seldom and never can only go in mid-position.

He is always ready to help. (NOT Always he is ready to help.) (NOT He is ready to help always.)

He is never on time. (NOT Never he is on time.) (NOT He is on time never.)

Grammar notes

Always and never can come at the beginning of imperative clauses.

Never ask her about her age.