Grammar terms

September 1st, 2011 in Words

Headline language

The special variety of English used in writing newspaper headlines. In the following examples, the first form illustrates headline language and the second form ordinary English.

PM to visit India (Headline)
The Prime Minister is going to visit India. (Ordinary English)
President denies allegations (Headline)
The President has denied the allegations (Ordinary English)

One of two or more words of different meaning which are spelled in the same way. Homographs may be pronounced the same or differently.
For example, bear (the name of a large animal) and bear (the verb) are homographs which are pronounced identically.

A term including both homophone and homograph.

One of two or more words of different meaning which are pronounced in the same way. Homophones can have same or different spellings.

The punctuation mark (-) which is shorter than dash. A hyphen must be used within a compound modifier. Examples are: blue-eyed boy, green-eyed monster, a ten-year-old boy, a salt-and-pepper beard

The hyphen may optionally be used in a compound word which would be difficult to read without it.
Examples are; living-room, bus-driver.

A hyphen is also used after a prefix.
