IELTS Speaking Test Questions

September 2nd, 2011 in IELTS

The questions asked during IELTS speaking tests often repeat. It is therefore essential that you learn how to answer them. The following questions were asked during an IELTS speaking test held in Vietnam recently.

What is your full name?
Are you living in a big city?
What do you like about your house?
Is there anything you don’t like about your house?
Is there anything you would like to change about your house?
Do you like your name?
Have you ever wanted to change your name?


The second part of the IELTS speaking test is a speech. Test takers were asked to speak about their regular walks. A cue card was given with the following questions.

Where do you go for a walk?
Who do you walk with?
Describe what you see on the way
Why do you regularly go for a walk?


The topic for discussion was related to the topic for speech. The following questions were discussed during the test.

Why walking makes people healthier?
Why do people like to go for a walk in the morning?
Do you think people of different ages exercise in different ways?
What activities are better than walking for staying healthy?