Sentence correction exercise

September 19th, 2011 in Improve English

Correct the following sentences.

  1. A my friend has Just invited me to Tokyo.
  2. It is easy to lose ones temper when one is criticized.
  3. How is that your brother?
  4. I will do it in myself’s way
  5. The cat is in a good mood. It’s just had it’s breakfast.
  6. The teacher told the children to open their book.
  7. Other people’s lives always seem more interesting than one’s.


  1. A friend of mine has just invited me to Tokyo. (Articles and demonstratives cannot be used together with possessive adjectives. Instead we use the ‘…of mine/ours’ structure.)
  2. It is easy to lose one’s temper when one is criticized. (The possessive form of one is one’s.)
  3. How is that brother of yours?
  4. I will do it in my own way. (The possessive form of myself is my own.)
  5. The cat is in a good mood. It’s just had its breakfast. (Its is the possessive form of it. It’s is the contraction for it is / it has.)
  6. The teacher told the children to open their books.(After a plural possessive adjective, we do not normally use a singular noun.)
  7. Other people’s lives always seem more interesting than one’s own. (One’s cannot be used as a pronoun. Instead we use one’s own.)