Make your sentences simple

October 7th, 2011 in Improve English

Many impersonal or pompous words can be replaced by simpler alternatives.

For example, you can use if instead of ‘should circumstances arise’.

More examples are given below:

Use often instead of ‘it is often the case that’

Use unfortunately instead of ‘it is to be regretted that’

Use of course instead of ‘it should be obvious that’

Use because instead of ‘owing to the fact that’

Use about instead of ‘concerning the matter of’

Use by instead of ‘by means of’

Use although instead of ‘regardless of the fact that’

Use today instead of ‘in this day and age’


Rewrite the following sentences cutting out the pompous words.

1. The principal wants to see you concerning the matter of the broken window.

2. I was late owing to the fact that the car broke down.

3. In this day and age we all use computers.

4. Should circumstances arise that a vacancy becomes available, we shall tell you.

5. It is to be regretted that we cannot help you at the moment.


1. The principal wants to see you about the matter of the broken window.

2. I was late because the car broke down.

3. Today we all use computers.

4. If a vacancy becomes available, we shall tell you.

5. Unfortunately we cannot help you at the moment.