Clauses exercise

October 14th, 2011 in Improve English

In each of the following sentences write a clause in place of the words in bold texts and .

1. I need a place to live in.

2. The girl with curly hair is my cousin.

3. In spite of working hard, he failed.

4. He walked carefully to avoid falling.

5. I was surprised at your question.

6. Being lame he has to use crutches.

7. I heard of his arrival.

8. His remarks were not received with approval.

9. His silence indicates his approval.

10. His involvement in the conspiracy was suspected.

11. I am confident of my success.

12. Did he explain the purpose of his coming?


1. I need a place where I can live.

2. The girl who has curly hair is my cousin.

3. Though he worked hard, he failed.

4. He walked carefully so that he could avoid falling.

5. I was surprised at what you had asked.

6. As he is lame, he has to use crutches.

7. I heard that he has arrived.

8. What he had remarked were not received with approval.

9. That he is silent indicates his approval.

10. That he had involvement in the conspiracy was suspected.

11. I am confident that I will succeed.

12. Did he explain why he had come?