Noun clauses exercise

October 14th, 2011 in English Quiz

In each of the following sentences, replace the words in bold text by suitable noun clauses.

1. Nobody knows the time of his arrival.

2. I heard of his death.

3. The reason for his failure is unknown.

4. We expect an improvement in his performance.

5. I know him to be trustworthy.

6. He confessed his guilt.

7. The place of their meeting was known to the police.

8. I do not believe his words.

9. The sailor told us the direction of the wind.

10. His friends hoped for his recovery.


1. Nobody knows when he will arrive.

2. I heard that he had died.

3. Why he had failed is unknown.

4. We expect that there will be an improvement in his performance.

5. I know that he is trustworthy.

6. He confessed that he is guilty.

7. The place where they would meet was known to the police.

8. I do not believe what he has said.

9. The sailor told us where the wind was blowing from.

10. His friends hoped that he would recover.