How to complete a sentence by adding a clause

November 28th, 2011 in English Grammar

It is quite easy. You can usually make your own clause by getting the cue from the joining word given. If the joining word is not given check if your clause has something got to do with the verb or preposition (noun clause), or noun or pronoun (adjective clause). A clause that is the subject or object of a verb or preposition is usually a noun clause. A clause that modifies a noun or pronoun is an adjective clause.

You can also build clauses that say something about time, place, condition etc. Clauses of this kind are adverb clauses.

Complete the following sentences

1. I don’t know why …

2. Word hard if …

3. James felt sure that …

4. It is strange that …

5. I will wait for you …

Suggested Answers

1. I don’t know why she is angry with me. / I don’t know why she is late.

2. Word hard if you want to win.

3. James felt sure that Mary would come.

4. It is strange that he should behave so.

5. I will wait for you till you finish dressing.


The clauses that I have added are not the only answers to these questions. Try completing them using your own clauses.