Transformation of sentences

December 13th, 2011 in Improve English

Rewrite the following sentences using the adverb form of the italicized words.

1. The doctor examined the report with great care.

2. His behavior was very rude.

3. All of a sudden Hamlet appeared on the scene.

4. It was not the intention of the accused to injure the victim.

5. The boy acted with courage and patience.

6. They lived together in peace.

7. The slaves were beaten without mercy.

8. If her love had been sincere, he would not have forgotten her.

9. Plants grow in abundance in the garden.

10. He applied himself to his work with such sincerity that he soon won the admiration of all.


1. The doctor examined the report carefully.

2. He behaved very rudely.

3. Suddenly Hamlet appeared on the scene.

4. The accused did not intentionally injure the victim.

5. The boy acted courageously and patiently.

6. They lived together peacefully.

7. The slaves were mercilessly beaten.

8. If she had loved him sincerely, he would not have forgotten her.

9. Plants grow abundantly in the garden.

10. He sincerely applied himself to his work that he soon won the admiration of all.