General aches and pains
Here are a few expressions you can use to talk about general pains and aches.
My right leg hurts.
My arm hurts.
I have a nagging pain in the head.
I have broken my leg.
I have sprained my ankle.
My legs are sore.
I sprained my ankle while playing football.
I can’t walk that much because of the leg pains.
I have arthritis. I can’t bend my knees.
I can’t walk without support.
I fell off the stairs and broke my leg yesterday.
My mother has arthritis so she can’t move her hands and legs well.
Here is a range of phrases and sentences you can use to talk about the general aches and pains that affect the legs.
My legs are sore because I went jogging in the morning.
I often get cramps on my calves.
I banged my head against the wall yesterday.
My shoes are tight. They hurt me a lot.
He hit me in the thigh and I can’t walk well now.
I banged my knee against the wall and it still hurts.
Your ankle is swollen. I think you have sprained it.
I broke my leg month while I was playing cricket.
He fell off the ladder and broke his leg.