Archive for April, 2023

Simple Sentence, Complex Sentence, Compound Sentence

April 21st, 2023 in ESL

State whether the sentences given below are simple, complex or compound.

A simple sentence has just one clause. A complex sentence has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. A compound sentence has two or more coordinate clauses.

1. That is none of your business.

2. He put on his coat and rushed out.

3. You can pursue higher studies or find a job.

4. Despite working hard, she couldn’t succeed.

5. He left a deep impression on me.

6. I am tired of listening to advice.

7. He asked where I was going.

8. It goes without saying that fortune favors the brave.

9. I will never tolerate this.

10. It is time you got that roof repaired.

11. She asked if I was busy.

12. They were poor but poverty didn’t dampen their spirits.


1. That is none of your business. (Simple sentence)

2. He put on his coat and rushed out. (Compound sentence)

3. You can pursue higher studies or find a job. (Compound sentence)

4. Despite working hard, she couldn’t succeed. (Simple sentence)

5. He left a deep impression on me. (Simple sentence)

6. I am tired of listening to advice. (Simple sentence)

7. He asked where I was going. (Complex sentence)

8. It goes without saying that fortune favors the brave. (Complex sentence)

9. I will never tolerate this. (Simple sentence)

10. It is time you got that roof repaired. (Complex sentence)

11. She asked if I was busy. (Complex sentence)

12. They were poor but poverty didn’t dampen their spirits. (Compound sentence)