Archive for November, 2016

Vocabulary worksheet

November 1st, 2016 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

1. In some cases, the end ………………… the means. (just)

2. He had ………………. on his side. (just)

3. Her …………………… was shown in the many things she did for people. (kindhearted)

4. We were ……………… spirits and very compatible. (kin)

5. He was quite ………………… about current events. (knowledge)

6. The illness made him feel very ………………….. (languish)

7. Generosity is a …………………. trait. (laud)

8. His …………………. behavior scandalized the whole town. (lecher)

9. The ………………….. of the nephew’s claim to the estate is in question. (legitimate)

10. We took a ……………….. stroll after dinner. (leisure)


1. In some cases, the end justifies the means.

2. He had justice on his side.

3. Her kindheartedness was shown in the many things she did for people.

4. We were kindred spirits and very compatible.

5. He was quite knowledgeable about current events.

6. The illness made him feel very languid.

7. Generosity is a laudable trait.

8. His lecherous behavior scandalized the whole town.

9. The legitimacy of the nephew’s claim to the estate is in question.

10. We took a leisurely stroll after dinner.