Archive for June, 2013

English vocabulary exercise

June 12th, 2013 in Vocabulary

Test your knowledge of English vocabulary with this exercise. Each question is followed by four suggested answers. Choose the most appropriate one.

1. The word most closely associated with HOSPITALITY is:

a) Hospital

b) Doctor

c) Nurse

d) Host

2. A person who helps others by donating money to charitable institutions is called a:

a) Socialist

b) Puritan

c) Philanthropist

d) Proletarian

3. A person who is out to subvert a government is a / an

a) Convalescent

b) Anarchist

c) Mercenary

d) Autocrat

4. Industrious means

a) Reserved

b) Sophisticated

c) Hard working

d) Intelligent

5. An extrovert is a person ………………………

a) Who is ex-communicated

b) Who goes to extremes

c) Who is excommunicated

d) Who is mainly interested in the world external to himself

6. The Old Testament gives the ………………………….. of Jews made with God.

a) Covenant

b) Covennant

c) Covenent

d) Covanant

7. The masculine gender of countess is ……………………

a) Earl

b) Viceroy

c) Viscount

d) Vicerine

8. Which of the following adjectives is used to refer to a person who does not make mistakes?

a) Incredible

b) Infallible

c) Gullible

d) Invincible

9. One who loves books can be called a …………………

a) Bilingual

b) Bibliophile

c) Volunteer

d) Misanthrope

10. A person who doubts the existence of God

a) Theist

b) Agnostic

c) Pagan

d) Misanthrope


1. Host

2. Philanthropist

3. Anarchist

4. Hard working

5. Who is mainly interested in the world external to him

6. Covenant

7. Earl

8. Infallible

9. Bibliophile

10. Agnostic